
What are the Top 20 Words to Use in Your Resume? [INFOGRAPHIC]

You’re written yourself a great resume, but you want it to be read – which words do you use? Here are the top 20 power words to be put in your survey and to impress the reader (courtesy of CareerBliss). Which are your favourites? Let us know in the comments below!

Talent Acquisition Workplace

Recruitment By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Recruitment: how does it break down in terms of cold, hard numbers? This infographic from Recruiterbox gives an idea of some of those. Takeaways: It takes at least 50 applications to get one solid hire. Senior roles take at least 4-5 interview rounds before a good hire. Most non-tech hires are in retail.


Why Spelling and Grammar Can Ruin Your Job Hunt

If you’re hunting for a job, you’ve likely been told hundreds of times about the importance of good spelling and grammar. But why are spelling and grammar such sticking points for employers? Surely even they make the odd spelling mistake from time to time? We’re all prone to human error, right? Well yes. However, when…


How to Find Inspiration

How often do you feel inspired? 24Slides have created this useful infographic listing the top 12 tips to stay inspired in life. See what you have to think about it. Takeaways: Drink a glass of water to start the day fresh Every morning, make a list of the 3 main tasks you want to complete that…


How to Start a New Job on the Right Foot

“When can you start?” After months of careful preparation and countless interviews, these words are full of promise. Yet one or two missteps in the early days at a new company can have a long-term impact on your future opportunities. Starting off on the right foot is important for any new job, in any industry. This…


Is Being a Job Hopper a Bad Thing?

Job hopping is a common phrase that is used for workers who jump from job to job. As a candidate you have to be aware that recruiters are going to be looking for gaps in your work history and if your CV has lots, this will put you behind your competition. It’s best to make sure…


The Dinky-Di Aussie Guide to Impressing Employers

Australia is a country full of confusing slang and colourful idioms. English can suddenly feel like a different language when you constantly hear phrases you don’t understand. If you’re job hunting or have just started a new role in the land Down Under, there are a few terms you might need to know: Bludger: A…


How to Ace Your Interview and Land the Job

The interview is your opportunity to make an unforgettable impression on the company you want to work for and get the job you want. Here are some hints and pointers that will help you make that positive impression: Preparation: Always be fully prepared – often it is the one thing that an otherwise very competent candidate…

Timebound Workplace

Unemployment: By the Numbers

The unemployment figures are always a popular topic of discussion and disagreement. Are they rising or falling? This infographic by NBRI breaks it down. Takeaways: Long-term unemployed count for 37% of all people unemployed. The luxury retail industry is one of the most in demand. Support activities for mining is the fastest growing industry.