Employer Branding Timebound

What Are the Skills and Traits You Look for in Job Applicants?

This week, we asked you What are the skills and traits you look for in job applicants? You got back to us saying that conveying a confident personality is a great asset for job applicants to possess.

Showing a genuine drive and a passion for the industry, plus an enthusiasm for the vacancy in question is also vital. Experience is important, including extra curricular activities, but being excited for the open vacancy is continually mentioned as the most important skill applicants should possess.

You can join our #UROpinion chat every Monday on LinkedIn. Be sure to join our community now for the latest and greatest recruitment and career discussions.

On LinkedIn:

Jake Willis said that communication is essential for job applicants. Projecting a confident image is a great way for candidates to stand out. It’s important that job seekers are proud of who they are, their experiences and especially what they can offer! Being concise with interview answers is a great way of demonstrating your efficiency as a communicator:

Jake Willis
Increasing productivity and profitability through cutting-edge technology

Communicators. We need people that can communicate. Don’t tell me you are a good communicator show me by answering my questions in two minutes without a lot of palaver. Answer with an experience you had, not with what you think I want to hear.

On Twitter:

The three replies we received on Twitter all spoke of passion, communication and the ability to collaborate as the most desirable traits in job applicants:

What are the skills and traits you look for in job applicants? Let us know in the comments, or reply in our discussion on LinkedIn!

To conclude, employers don’t only look at applicant experience but search for candidates that demonstrate a genuine drive for the vacancy. Being able to effectively communicate and work as a team is a massive bonus.