
5 Changes to Your Environment that Can Make You More Productive

Did you know that your working environment can have a dramatic effect on your productivity? Below we’ve listed 5 simple ways that you can make your office a more productive place. Take note!

1. No work zones:

Having ‘no work zones’ is something that is often overlooked in the workplace. But it’s so important to have areas which are your working areas (like your desk), and equally you need spaces for relaxation and chilling. If you eat your lunch at your desk, you should try your hardest to actually get yourself out of the working environment so you can have some time to relax. Everyone needs a breather, and it will make you more productive when you’re in the workplace. This is especially applicable to those who work at home – whatever you do…don’t work in bed!

2. Have a monthly purge:

Make sure you clear the clutter in your office at least once a month – get rid of unnecessary documents and junk that take up space. Get yourself down to Ikea and invest in some desk organisation bits and pieces – not only will your workspace look nicer, but you’ll feel more organised and productive as a result.

3. Get moving:

Standing desks may seem like a new trend with no real benefits to your health or productivity, but using a standing desk can actually reduce your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even cancer – it’s definitely not just a passing trend! Chuck out your old desk and invest in a standing desk. Not only will you be more productive but it will have major benefits to your health. The average office worker spends 5 hours and 41 minutes sitting down – it’s definitely time to move! If standing desks are out of the question why not consider going for a morning and afternoon stroll – even if it’s only for 5 minutes.

4. Open the windows:

The working environment is a large factor that can effect the productivity of a workforce. There are 3 essential things that every office should have – that’s good ventilation, well lit and lots of plants! Having a nice working environment will make a real difference in the productivity of your team.

5. Mix it up:

Typically, offices and seating are split up by department or experience level. More recently however, companies have been mixing it up by chucking everyone together, no matter their department or experience level. Not only does this mean there will be more creativity in the office, but it also will boost interpersonal relationships between employees and bosses.

Do you have any good tips for improving productivity? Let us know in the comments below!