Employer Branding

Success Comes to All of Us in All Shapes and Sizes

Career success comes to all of us in different shapes and sizes; this is because what success means to each of us is different. Everyone has their own goals and objectives, their own success measures.

These goals and objectives can create a great deal of dissatisfaction and disappointment for individuals if current work circumstances are no longer fulfilling or providing the pathway to achieve them. It is at this time that many individuals run the risk of disengagement from work and have a heightened risk of mental health challenges.

Circumstances such as depression can occur when an individual is unable to see how they can change their current situation. If this does occur there is a possibility it will impede an individual from achieving their success.

It is important to be aware that at one point in time during our careers this will happen to all of us at different degrees. It is at this point that we need to look closely at the options and opportunities that may assist in returning to ‘success’.

There are some things we can do that will help us focus on success and achieving it.

1. Always be aware of what success means to you

One of the greatest downfalls for many individuals is that they do not take the time to look in to what success actually means to them. Without this knowledge very rarely are you able to understand the direction you need to take to achieve your success. Being aware of success also means that you are able to re-define your success when you see new challenges or you reach your goals and objectives and wish to look at what is next.

2. Build a network of mentors and motivators

Many individuals see mentoring as a formal and structured activity, however, sometimes the greatest success comes from developing an unstructured mentor relationship. This may be someone in your industry or someone external, it may also be a hired coach. Mentors provide a great opportunity to sanity check, guide and challenge the perceptions that may be holding you back. They also should be someone that understands what success means to you and may have achieved this type of success themselves. Such a network of individuals provides you a great opportunity for development and learning that cannot be achieved from qualifications.

3. Identify someone you can look up to

Who is your hero? Who is someone you admire? Who is someone you would like to know? Why?For many of us, these questions are forgotten once we get in to the boring daily routine of work. However, identifying someone that you admire, a professional hero, someone that you want to know and be like will actually challenge you to better yourself and remain committed to your own goals. These individuals may change throughout your career as you grow and this is great and should be something you plan for.

4. Be part of something bigger

Networking groups, small business associations, industry associations. All of these take time and commitment however the opportunity you can get from meeting other professionals, understanding the challenges they have overcome and how will allow you to grow. One of the greatest challenges in our careers is in learning about the things that we don’t know, as well as the things that we don’t know we actually don’t know just yet. Other people’s experiences can be fundamentally important in making decisions and learning to overcome issues but also in understanding how to advance towards achieving your goals.

5. Monitor your success

It is important to analyse what success you are aiming for on a regular basis. The reason for this is that you need to ensure that your success is still valid for where you are at in your life and career. Different changes and priorities in life may mean that you actually need to redefine what success means for you. This is really important, and is something that means that we may need to let go of what you were aiming for and redefine this. Doing this can actually be quite confronting; but also very valuable and fulfilling! This may see the need for you to undertake a career transition which is a very hard decision to make; but if this allows you to achieve your success then it is worth the time and commitment to undertake.

Success is fundamentally important but it takes time to understand and define. Working towards your success allows you to remain motivated, engaged and committed to your career. It is something that you should be comfortable redefining when you need to as circumstances and priorities do change throughout our live. However in knowing and understanding what success means to you will be much more equipped to achieve it.

By Rebecca Fraser

Rebecca Fraser is a Leader of learning and development for organisations and individuals. She is highly recognised for her contribution to the industry and for her work in the media providing information on modern day job search strategies. She is the author of ‘How to get a job in the 21st century’, her newest release on job search and resumes.