
New Job? 7 Things You MUST Do Immediately

Starting in a new role is an incredibly exciting time. You smashed the interview, met the team and it’s now time to walk into the first day at your new office, under your brand new job title. You’re bound to feel nervous about what’s to come, but the important thing is walking in to the role with passion, confidence and excitement. To make the most of your first few months in a new role there are a few things you can do to push yourself further.

1) Create relationships

Work is work, and of course you’re going to have to fulfil whatever it is that’s on your job spec. But another important aspect that comes with work is how you interact and get on with the people you’re surrounded with everyday. In the first few months of a new job you should focus on creating relationships with those around you, and getting a feel for the company culture and how things work. Do people eat lunch together or is it more about desk lunches? Are official calendar meetings preferred to casual chats? These are just some of the little things you’ll discover in your first few months.

Make an effort with your coworkers – attend Friday night drinks, have a coffee and a chat – even just pausing and introducing yourself to others will have an impact.

2) Set clear goals

Before you begin in your new role, it’s important to set out your goals and targets for the future. Sit down with your manager or boss and discuss what they want from the role. If you’re in a sales position, consider specific quotas or targets you’re aiming for. If you’re not in a sales position, it’s a good idea to consider how you’ll measure success in the role.

3) Make your mark

An important thing you’re going to want to do in the first few months of a new role is to make your own mark. You should demonstrate a a remarkable work ethics form the get-go. You should approach new projects with the passion that got you the job in the first place. Work hard and leave complacency at the door – you’ll have more of an impact if you arrive at the office everyday, raring to go.

4) Find your direction

Getting a new job is a two way thing. Not only is it a great hire for the company – it’s also a great step in the right direction for your career. In the early months of your new role you should really step back and consider what you want to get from the job. Whether it’s experience in a certain part of the job or developing your skills in another area. Prioritise the role for you, whilst still completing all your tasks.

5) Locate a ‘silly question buddy’

Everyone gets a little nervous when they start a new job. It’s only natural. Something that can make the process a little easier is to locate your ‘silly question buddy’. Pretty self explanatory, but this is the colleague that you feel comfortable enough to ask all your stupid questions to. Some companies actually allocate ‘buddies’ with a buddy system, but if your new company doesn’t, then the best way to go about this is to locate the friendliest person in the office.

No question is ever silly – sometimes it just feels that way.

6) Realise that everyone’s been the ‘newbie’ before

If you’re nervous about meeting senior management or a notoriously unfriendly boss, it’s good to remember that absolutely EVERYONE has been the ‘newbie’ before. Whether it was 2 or 20 years ago – everyone knows exactly how you’re feeling. Remember this when you’re feeling unconfident and nervous – it’s only natural!

7) Rest & reflect

Starting a new job is tiring! You’re over loaded with new information constantly, so it’s important to take some time to chill out once the working day is done. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eat food full of vitamins and nutrients and drink enough water to keep you hydrated and fresh. Doing this will ensure that you’re performance in the office will be the best it can be!

What are you top tips for starting in a new role? Let us know in the comments below!

Main image credit: Shutterstock

By Ruby Lowe

Account Executive at Link Humans, download our 12 Essentials of Employer Branding eBook now.