As I write this blog, I am days away from my 3*th birthday (I am NOT going to reveal my age obviously, but let’s just say, I am staring 40 down the barrel!) and yet most days, I genuinely don’t feel any different to how I did when I was 28, bar a few more…
This blog has been inspired by two sources that I’ve encountered in the last two weeks… The first is that I’ve recently seen a few online discussions and blogs questioning the need for commission structures in recruitment and the impact they may have on encouraging consultants to focus more on achieving a profitable “sale” and…
6 Tips to Getting Your Dream Job
With so many people applying for the same job these days, you really have to stand out from the crowd to have a chance of getting that dream job. Understanding how to shine above your competition is essential to getting the job. Having a good resume, cover letter and portfolio, as well as presenting yourself…
What’s the Worst Job in the World?
This infographic (from Lapham’s Quarterly) is a matrix of the world’s worst jobs in terms of different factors. Which would you not want to do the most? Takeaways In Tokyo, in recent years, subway pushers have to push rush-hour commuters into packed trains. In Agra, around 1520, food tasters would eat sample’s of the emperor’s…
Generation Y is accustomed to a much more lax atmosphere where sending text message-like emails from their smart phones is second nature. Recent grads are becoming more laid back, but their future workplace may not be. The job market is as competitive as ever. As recent college graduates have looming school loans over their heads…
Top 5 Ways to Prevent a Bad Interview
Interviews are a stressful process. Sometimes, this stress can cause you to fall into common traps and even make wacky mistakes during your job search. For instance, just because you were too nervous to eat before the interview doesn’t mean you should empty the interviewer’s candy dish into your pocket. Employers tend not to hire…
I’ve blogged a bit about this recently – perhaps I was slightly psychic with my blog last year Why your company page is more important than your website (2.5k shares and counting)! However, I didn’t know that LinkedIn were going to… …hide your website within your Contact Info button! They clearly are trying to keep…
“You’re a recruiter… can you help me find a job?” / “You’re a recruiter… can I send you my resume?” / “You’re a recruiter… can we set up an interview?” I hear these questions each and every day. Whenever a friend loses a job or decides to make a change, I always get a call. My…
Whether you’re looking for a job or in charge of filling a position, there are a few key red flags to be aware of. The economy is still recovering, which means you either have a lot of competition to deal with or a lot of resumes to sift through. Only a select few will make…