
Video Interview Tips For Graduates: Mistakes to Avoid

The video interview, the early stage cost-effective alternate to face-to-face interviewing. With video becoming more and more prevalent in the recruitment and selection process, especially early on in multiple hurdle systems, it’s important to know what the interviewer might be looking for, as it’s not just the merits of your CV. Have you already been invited to the video…


7 Excellent Ways to Excel at Excel

Microsoft Excel is packed with useful functions that can help to speed up day to day jobs in the workplace, however for a lot of us the program is a total mystery and completing the simplest of tasks can leave us in a meltdown. If you’re not quite as clued up with Excel as you’d like to…


The 4 Steps to Being Job Ready

One of the greatest challenges in your career is being job ready. With the changing landscape of recruitment, impacts of technology and a very volatile labour market, job readiness is something that can be the difference between job search outcomes and job search doldrums. Job readiness covers a lot of factors, for many individuals they…


5 Changes to Your Environment that Can Make You More Productive

Did you know that your working environment can have a dramatic effect on your productivity? Below we’ve listed 5 simple ways that you can make your office a more productive place. Take note! 1. No work zones: Having ‘no work zones’ is something that is often overlooked in the workplace. But it’s so important to have…


The 7 Steps to Writing an Interview-Winning CV

Your CV is your number one marketing tool when it comes to landing job interviews, so you need to ensure that it stands out from the crowd and catches the eye of the employers you are most interested in. The key to creating a top notch CV is knowing exactly how to structure your CV and…

Employer Branding

How Employee Stories Build Your Employer Brand

Is transparency the key to building an effective employer brand and positive company culture? And how can you use employee generated content to shape your brand and provide an honest representation of the organisation that people will trust? I had a chat with Lisa Cervenka and Jason Seiden of Brand Amper to find out how to turn employee…

Employer Branding

How to Craft a Culture that Will Attract Millennials

With millennials making up a significant chunk of the workforce today, it’s important that employers take into consideration what attracts them to a company, what motivates them and what encourages them to stay in a job. Though they want a lot of the same things from a job as previous generations, they tend to look…

Timebound Workplace

The 10 Struggles That All Job Seekers Will Be Able to Relate to

If you’ve been on the market for a new job recently, you’ll know the struggle really is real! From countless applications, to waiting a year and day to hear back after a job interview, job hunting can be a pretty discouraging experience. There are moments when you feel like giving up (probably whilst completing job application…


7 Things You Wished You’d Have Known Before Graduating

Ah, good old university days. When life was easy, rent was cheap and responsibilities were no where to be seen. But what would you tell yourself if you could go back now? 1. Every day is an interview: University can bring way more opportunities than you may realise. Everyday there are chances to meet and impress those…