
How to Answer THAT Weaknesses Question

What are your biggest weaknesses? When you hear this question, it makes you shudder.  If there is one reason alone to dislike job interviews, this could be it. The conundrum here is that an interview is a place where you know you have to talk positively about yourself, however this question forces you to talk about yourself in a negatively.…


How NOT to Let Social Media Ruin Your Career

“Social media? What a load of cr*p!” is what Catherine Tate’s ‘Gran’ character might well say. I agree with her, even though my working life largely depends on it. Okay, it’s a free world, post what you like, just don’t be surprised if people then think what they like. Try this. Pick someone you know,…

Talent Acquisition

The Secret to Recruiting in a Candidate-Driven Market

I want to share a story with you. It’s about a particular pain in the backside who has caused me no end of problems lately. Here goes. As you might have guessed, this story is about a candidate. I’d been working with ‘X’ for several weeks; we’d covered what salary he was on; what he was looking…


Ambition + Motivation + Mastery = Success

There’s been a lot of press comment around the suggestion that women are not vertically ambitious, that they prefer to do a job they enjoy rather than ruthlessly compete for senior management roles. Plainly wrong, since there are also plenty of men who don’t want a top job either; it is not that women who…


How to Successfully Close Your Interview

This post is sponsored by FGS Recruitment, a boutique recruitment agency within Digital Media, Learning & Development and Business Information. How many times have you left an interview wondering where you stand with the hiring manager or what the next steps were? If the answer is ‘many’ then you probably haven’t been asking one very clear…


5 Silent Habits Sabotaging Your Success

If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else? Okay, okay, you’ve no doubt heard motivational messages like this one before, maybe from your manager; perhaps a parent. When you’re clearly in need of some kind of motivational boost and someone rattles off a line like this, it’s easy to shrug it off as a corny, slightly patronising gesture. Thanks, but no thanks!…


5 Steps to Dealing with Redundancy

Any form of job loss, particularly in the current job market, is challenging. Whether a highly educated senior executive or a trainee, being advised that you no longer have ongoing employment will shock you. It can be stated that many individuals will go through some form of a grief period following redundancy; some of these…


15 Jobs That Didn’t Exist 35 Years Ago

A lot has changed in the last thirty-five years and perhaps some of the most noticeable changes have occurred with technology. In 1986 the Macintosh computer was in its infancy, Google didn’t exist and DVDs were still a thing of the future. In fact, if you were reading this article thirty-five years ago, chances are…

Employer Branding

Employer Advocacy: How a Global Software Company Does It

Employee advocacy. Everyone’s talking about it. But who’s actually doing it, and who has a story to tell? Let’s find out. I’ve spoken to Alli Soule of SAS, a global software company to learn more. Listen below, subscribe to the podcast, or keep reading for a summary of our conversation. What prompted SAS to launch an…