Talent Acquisition

Back Doors for the Bravehearted

This is an opinion piece. If you’re interested in writing one, please get in touch.  Ah yes, the Preferred Suppliers List. Challenge accepted. For many of us, the agency recruiter’s first introduction to the PSL is a mixture of trying to understand the futility of it and banging your head against a brick wall. When trying to win…

Employer Branding

Why Content is Key to a Compelling Employer Brand

There are great people out there deciding whether or not they’ll apply for a role with your organisation. Will they throw their CV against the ad blindly? Unlikely. Will they Google your company first, read up on whatever they can find and then make a call? There you go. Much more likely. When was the last time you checked…


8 Essential Items to Take to Your Interview

By now we all know that preparation is key if you want to succeed at interview stage. When it comes to interview day, you will have most likely researched the company extensively and studied the job description thoroughly – but there’s still a little more preparation to be done in order to boost your chances of…

Talent Acquisition

Forget Sparkly Stereotypes, Hire the Diamonds in the Rough

There’s much talk about organisations such as Microsoft reducing the UCAS points requirement and expanding the range of universities they will consider when hiring graduates.  In fact, they’ve moved significantly further forward than many, when it comes to identifying the attributes of a young person with brilliant potential. Still, several organisations are stuck in a rut when…

Employer Branding

7 Bad Manager Behaviors to Be Wary of

Managing a team of recruiters is a tough gig, especially when you’re expected to make placements yourself. You’ve no doubt done really well to get you to the point of having your own team – but managing people is a completely different ball game. You can’t just worry about yourself and your own performance anymore; you’re now…


5 Job Seekers Who Struggle to Land Interviews (and How to Help)

Job hunt not going according to plan? Can’t figure out why you aren’t getting called in for interviews? Perhaps you’re one of five types of job seekers whose resumes just seem to tank with hiring managers. Think about it. Maybe you change jobs a lot? Or have gaps in your career history? Some very commonplace things can…


20 Signs You’d Make a Great News Reporter

News reporters. There’s a lot of interest out there about what it means to be one. How do they wind up on scene so quickly? How do they know what to say to the camera? Do they decide what the public knows about current affairs? Are they really so brazen so as to continually hound people…

Talent Acquisition

Market Mismatch: Are You Recruiting for the Wrong Agency?

It’s amazing how much agency recruiters know about what it takes to succeed in the industry they specialise in. Day in, day out, recruiters partner with the powers that be at organisations in their specific sector, getting under the skin of their hiring needs. They are the ones who know where the best candidates are working, what…

Talent Acquisition

Reel ‘Em In: Quick Tips to Help You Catch Great Candidates

The cost of making a bad hire can be huge; it’ll eat into your finances, time and energy stores. For many companies, hiring and retaining talent is the source of a major ongoing headache. While recruitment isn’t an exact science, there are definitely a number of methods you can adopt as a business to give…