
The Truth About Lying on Resumes

Everyone isn’t as truthful as they always want to be – and resumes are one of the most common places for lies to show up.

This infographic (source) shows some of the most common things that job seekers lie about or otherwise misrepresent their resume or CV.


  • 46% of resumes submitted by job applicants contain some form of false information – with 70% of college students saying they would lie on their resume in order to get a job.
  • 27% of applicants give false references on a resume, whereas 40% give inflated salary claims.
  • 21% of applicants state fraudulent degrees on resumes.
  • 74% of respondents said they had never lied on a resume (are they lying?) – but 13% said they hadn’t but would consider it.

RELATED: When Bad Resumes Happen to Good People.

Lying on Resumes Infographic

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