Talent Acquisition Timebound

Top 5 LinkedIn Profile Makeover Tips for Recruiters [SLIDES]


n 23 October we partnered up with LinkedIn to man their Profile Makeover booth at the annual Talent Connect conference in London.

The three of us (Laurence, Jorgen and Laurent over from Paris especially), had over a hundred people coming for profile makeovers, including some of the keynote speakers.

Almost all of our attendees were part of their company’s HR community and as such they are ambassadors of their employer on social media and LinkedIn. We feel that it’s important to lead by example on LinkedIn, by having a strong profile that promotes both the individual and the company it can inspire other employees to do the same.

As we only had about 5 minutes for each person, in the slide deck you will find the top five recommendations we gave our attendees.

If you have any other questions regarding LinkedIn profiles, groups, company pages – just get in touch!

Top 5 LinkedIn Profile Tips for Recruiters from Talent Connect Europe in London from Link Humans Ltd

Were you at Talent Connect Europe? Please let us know what you thought of the day!

By Jörgen Sundberg

Founder of Undercover Recruiter & CEO of Link Humans, home of The Employer Brand Index.