Employer Branding

3 Ways Learning and Development Programs Improve Your Employer Brand

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A strong employer brand attracts strong talent. Here’s how L&D programs help you do just that.

It’s no secret that employer brand and employee engagement are intertwined. Engaged employees are happier, more productive, and more likely to sing your organization’s praises, raising the perception of your employer brand by word of mouth and on sites like Glassdoor.

One powerful way to boost your employer brand is by providing opportunities for learning and development. Here are 3 ways L&D programs can raise your stock in the eyes of future employees.

1. Supporting professional growth

In a recent HBR study of Facebook employees, researchers found that workers were more likely to leave “when their job wasn’t enjoyable, their strengths weren’t being used, and they weren’t growing in their careers.”

Those who stuck around, however, reported that they found their work enjoyable 31% more often, used their strengths 33% more often and expressed 37% more confidence that they were gaining the skills and experiences they need to develop their careers.

Learning and development programs improve employee engagement—and by extension, employer brand—by giving workers the chance to hone their craft, or acquire entirely new skills.

2. Creating an environment of continuous learning

The jobs of the digital age and the skills they demand are subject to rapid change. Employees expect employers to offer learning and development programs if they’re going to successfully navigate such shifts.

When employers offer more training and growth opportunities, they encourage a growth mindset. A growth mindset posits that anyone learns and grows and that the very act of learning and growing is essential to people’s happiness and success.

Organization-led L&D initiatives help foster a growth mindset and a culture of continuous learning, which yields a number of benefits:

  • Improved employee resiliency (workers with more skills can tackle complex problems)
  • Increased innovation (learning can encourage out-of-the-box thinking)
  • Higher retention (employees see a future for themselves)
  • Lower recruiting costs (it’s often cheaper to develop and promote existing employees)

3. Benefiting employees of all ages

According to one study, 59% of millennials say opportunities to learn and grow are extremely important to them when applying for a job. And since they make up one of the largest groups in the American workforce today, ignoring their stated desires can come with a price.

But L&D opportunities don’t just entice millennials: older employees reap the rewards, too. They could be looking to train up for a more senior role, update their skill set to keep pace with new technology, or even pivot to an entirely new job function.

Regardless of the generation, an organization that invests in learning and development sends a strong signal that they care about the future growth and success of their workers.

Ready to get started?

In a highly competitive, rapidly shifting job market, successful learning and development programs are arguably more important to organizations than ever. The most sought-after places to work cultivate a feeling of reciprocal investment by offering their employees chances to grow.

Interested in learning about other ways to improve your employer brand from within? See how SurveyMonkey’s solutions help HR professionals like you.

About the author: Zach Morvant is a Senior Content Strategist at SurveyMonkey, where he writes things that help make life easier for HR folks. He’s spent almost a decade as a professional creative thinker and copywriter. When he’s not doing those things, he can often be found riding a bicycle or pillaging the office snack supply.

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