
What Kids Can Teach You About Job Interviews

Job interviews can be quite a daunting experience and the way you conduct yourself can be crucial to whether you are successful or not.

To ensure your best performance in an interview, identifying some simple do’s and don’ts in advance are really helpful for preparing yourself and what better way to to demonstrate this than from the point of view of kids.

This video from “Kid Snippets” plays out a job interview scenario and believe it or not, through the humorous facade, some valuable lessons can actually be taken from it, so have a watch!


  • DO Present yourself smartly. Although appropriate attire may vary between industries, your clothes should be clean and tidy. Body language also speaks volumes and may tell your interviewer more about yourself than what you actually say, so make sure you sit up straight and maintain eye contact throughout your interview.
  • DON’T forget your manners. Confidence is a valuable attribute in an interview situation, however, over-asserting yourself may come across as rude and you don’t want to appear too forceful. Be polite and attentive. Listening carefully to your interviewer’s questions, will help you to respond with your best possible answer.
  • DO Your research prior to the interview. Read the job description thoroughly and pin point your relevant skills and experience that will be beneficial in that role. Prepare for questions you may be asked and avoid skipping past any questions that catch you off guard. Answer all questions to the best of your ability, remaining to the point and avoid rambling as you may drift off topic.
  • DON’T Rush into a discussion about salary. Jumping the gun may ruin your chances of being considered so time it carefully. The first interview is probably not the ideal opportunity to bring it up, as this is your chance to convince your interviewer to hire you and salary discussion is best saved for once they have decided that you are in fact the one for the job.
  • DO Ask questions of your own. Show interest in the company and the role you are interviewing for. It also gives you the opportunity to gage what would be expected of you in that role and how your performance will be monitored or reviewed.

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