Employer Branding

How Julius Caesar Invented Employee Referrals

From leaders Julius Caesar to smart HR departments, there has always been a need for recruitment.

Our friends at Zartis have had a look at how employee referrals came about (the Roman legion), when headhunting got popular in Borneo, how press gangs forces civilians into working on navy ships and then the dawn of agency recruitment.

The first job board appeared in 1992, followed by the social networking explosion of the noughties. The final step is smart HR departments, especially the ones that buy Zartis’ solutions I would imagine! See what you think.


  • The origins of recruitment date back to 55BC.
  • In 1664, British navy hired internal recruiters to pressure civilians to work the worst jobs on warships.
  • The first online job board was made in 1992.
  • Poking each other on Facebook is the apparent cause of the recession?

RELATED: Is Social Recruiting Really Happening?

how recruitment has evolved through history

Top image: Shutterstock

By Jörgen Sundberg

Founder of Undercover Recruiter & CEO of Link Humans, home of The Employer Brand Index.