Talent Acquisition

Social Recruiting: Here’s How to Get Started

So you’ve read lots of articles about how companies recruit using LinkedIn, Facebook, and even Twitter. But how does one go about and start? Our good friends at Bullhorn Reach have put a useful social recruiting presentation together for any company that is dipping its toes in recruitment via social media tools.

And when your CFO asks the inevitable question: Why should we use social media in the first place? Well, tell her that two-thirds of online adults use social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And no less than 14.4 million people used social media to find their last job in 2011. The average user has 634 social ties in their overall network – technology users have even more.

And the stats speak for themselves, there are more than 500 million members of LinkedIn and more than 80% of them are decision-makers. Looking at the biggest network of them all, Facebook has over 1 billion users and the average user has 130 friends, they spend an average of 23 minutes on the site per visit, they are connected to 80 pages, events, and groups. Twitter has 300 million active users, who type in no less than 1.6 billion search queries per day. So your target audience is probably already on social media.

RELATED: How To Develop Your Social Recruiting Strategy