Talent Acquisition Workplace

How to Find Volunteers on LinkedIn

What do 140,000 marketers, 4,000 Googlers, and 170,000 C-level executives have in common? Answer: They’re all up for some volunteering according to their LinkedIn profiles. In fact, no less than 4+ million professionals like them have expressed interest in joining a nonprofit board or doing skills-based volunteering – or both.

LinkedIn members who want to user their skills for good:

  • Out of the 4+ million members who want to use their skills for good, three quarters want to serve as volunteers.
  • Younger workers (72%) in particular are looking for ways to give back, Generation X and mid-career professionals represent 21% and baby boomers and senior leaders 21%.
  • 38% of aspiring volunteers are in the U.S., but the UK and India are rapidly growing. The top location within the United States is Bloomington, Indiana.
  • Members who want to give back come from a range of industries and job functions; many are in IT, marketing, consulting and product management.
  • The top skills these would-be volunteers have include management, customer service, leadership, project management and strategic planning.

How do you find volunteering opportunities?

As a professional, you can signal you want to use your skills for good on your LinkedIn profile by checking the boxes for “Joining a nonprofit board” and/or “Skills-based volunteering” in the Volunteer Experience & Causes section. If you’ve already done that, try searching for volunteer opportunities in your area. More on how to fill in your LinkedIn profile here.

How do you find volunteers?

For charities and nonprofit organisations, LinkedIn have made it quick and easy to find professionals who are eager to help. Use the free Advanced Search tool to find these talented needles in the haystack. Advanced Search is a true hidden gem for nonprofits to find the volunteers, board members, and even possible donors and employees they need to change the world. An overview of this powerful and free tool is below.

RELATED: Why Every Jobseeker and New Grad Should Volunteer [6 Reasons]