Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

9 Ways to Eliminate HR Bias with Artificial Intelligence

Many discussions have been held on the role of artificial intelligence in HR. HR professionals and thought leaders say that it will accelerate economic growth in the coming few years. By adopting this technology, HR managers and recruiters are becoming more efficient and productive.

AI has automated every aspect of the recruitment process. Things become quite tiring and monotonous if done manually. By using technology in hiring, all activities can be easily streamlined and all efforts are driven towards maximizing the output of an organization.

Check out how AI is eliminating bias in HR and impacting the department’s growth:

1. Hiring has become a quick process now

With the use of resume parser software, sorting out resumes is not a trouble anymore. With candidate data readily available in fields such as experience, qualification, contact details etc, it becomes easy to choose candidates who are fit for the position. Resume enrichment is another way of getting updated and validated information about candidates. Also known as social recruiting, this tool takes candidates’ information from their social profiles and updates their resume. These technology innovations help in closing jobs quickly and speed up hiring.

2. Focus on predictive data decision-making

Data analysis has become a vital part of all business activities. A lot of emphasis is given on predictive data decision-making to deliver results. An analysis of candidate’s performance and career-alignment along with his skills helps employers in finding the right fit.

3. Expansion of HR roles

HR professionals feel that AI will soon take up their jobs as everything will be automated. However, the real decision of hiring a candidate still rests with the HR manager. Also, human intervention is required to see that automation is being used correctly. Automation is used only to streamline recruitment process and make the job of managers easy. When the hiring process is automated, it becomes easy for managers to concentrate on other business activities and create a strategic plan.

4. No human bias

It is seen that recruiters hire employees on the basis of favoritism. They recruit candidates they already know or are referred to them. This takes away the chance from candidates who apply for the job position on merit. But with AI, this human bias is completely eliminated. A resume parser will select candidates based on their skills and experience. Thus, there is no place for favoritism.

5. No manual intervention

AI helps in data gathering, research and creating an overall HR tech strategy. Imagine hiring candidates with the help of a click. This is the time when you can happily say goodbye to manual efforts. There is no need to sort out resumes one by one and shortlist candidates. Get recommendations for relevant resumes with a click. Thus, automation of most of the tasks is possible which reduces manual intervention of HR managers.

6. Less administrative work

Administrative functions can be automated with artificial intelligence. Thus, HR department does not need to waste time on doing menial tasks. Data can be easily maintained on one platform and big calculations can be done in no time. Gone are the days when HR manager had to sit with logs and attendance registers to calculate salary. With automation, each process is taken well care of. It has also brought authenticity into the system. Each information is correct and no loopholes remain in the system. Thus, HR managers and executives can spend more time on devising other business strategies.  

7. An asset to the company

AI can be used for various duties like onboarding, performance management, recruiting and benefits administration. Data collected with the help of automation can be used to devise strategic plans for employee retention, business goals, succession planning etc.

8. A time-saving process

No HR manager is happy with doing paperwork. Automation eliminates this tedious process and brings uniformity in the system. This allows HR managers to focus more on employee needs, career development, employee retention, and engagement.

9. Quick decision-making

With data readily available, decisions can be taken in an instant. Jobs can be closed quickly which accelerates recruitment process. As per the insights are taken from actual data, more actions can be taken on employee engagement. This helps in bringing excellent results.

We usually feel that conscious bias can hinder the growth of an organization. However, it must be noted that an unconscious bias can also become a huge barrier to having a better productivity. When AI algorithms assess the performance of candidates, it removes all biases. HR processes get affected in a positive way. Though biases can be minimized at employee-level if proper actions are taken, AI will certainly create a foolproof system. It is time to ignore the myth of having AI take up your jobs. Technology can do wonders if used with enough knowledge and put into use in the right direction.

About the author: Lovepreet Dhaliwal works with RChilli Inc, a leading resume parsing software provider which helps in speeding up your recruitment process.

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