Employer Branding

Educating Your Organization on the Importance of Employer Brand

If your organization hasn’t yet grasped the importance of employer brand (or views it as just another marketing campaign), it’s time for a shift in perspective.

Tammy Myrick is Director of Marketing, People, and Culture at Cone Health.

Have a listen to the episode below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast.

Listen on Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher or Soundcloud.

In this episode you’ll learn:

• Why the aging population is a recruitment challenge
• Why their employer branding is still in its infancy
• Why they have gone beyond employee surveys and what they’ve done
• Why they want every employee to take ownership of the brand
• Why culture will be at the cornerstone of their EVP

You can connect with Tammy here.