
How to Create a Portfolio to Boost Your Job Search [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ever considered making a career portfolio to impress recruiters? To truly stand out in an interview against other candidates, it’s not enough to just wear your impressive, flash suit. You need your application to stand out from the crowd, so how about with visual examples of your previous work?

Although portfolios are generally visual-focused with various examples, it should be strong enough to speak for itself. Examples demonstrate an understanding and confidence with the job application, so use this as a platform to demonstrate your abilities and previous accomplishments.

The infographic below from The Paperworker not only provides important data as to why you should create a portfolio, but how to create it and what it should feature.


  • Visual examples are stronger than describing work. The same principles of a presentation apply to a job interview – visual aids are more persuasive than those without.
  • A well-prepared portfolio demonstrates a job seeker is prepared once they reach interviews.
  • A career portfolio can demonstrate that you’re well organised, your abilities, and make you stand out as an applicant.
  • As the average job interview lasts 40 minutes, bringing something visual could make your interview more memorable.
  • Regarding first impressions, 55% of how we affect others is based on how we dress, act and behave. The physical appearance of your portfolio is vital.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why All Job Seekers Need to Have a Work Portfolio

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