Employer Branding

How to Hire the Perfect Graduate

Once upon a time, in a hiring market far, far away, a stressed out employer needed to find the perfect recent college grad. No matter how many resumes the employer looked at, however, he just couldn’t find the right fit. The recent grad he needed was out there, but how was he supposed to find…

Employer Branding

Your “Why” is Important to the People You Lead!

A recent post I did, Why Are You Doing What You’re Doing? got a most amazing response. It clearly hit a nerve with so many of you who commented directly to me and through social media. It also made me realize how important it is to the people you lead. The comments ranged from those of you…

Employer Branding

How to Do Pre-Employment Assessments Right!

SPONSORED: This post is sponsored by Skillmeter, the online skills testing platform for recruiters. Gone is the time when a company published a job ad, invited candidates for an interview, held interviews and selected the best one. However, hiring the wrong person can become a costly and time-wasting issue for an organisation. Many companies therefore…

Employer Branding

A Look at the Workplace of the Future

In the future, how will your office look? have an insight. Takeaways: Will working at home increase? Communication become more ‘beam me in’ type! Technology is helping increase employees’ productivity. RELATED: How to Keep a Happy Office [Top 10 Tips]

Employer Branding

How Are Employees Wasting So Much Time in the Workplace? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Everyone wastes time at work – whether it’s checking e-mails, taking personal calls – but how are employees wasting so much time in the office? Name Badges International explain it in their infographic below. Takeaways: 89% of workers admit to wasting time at work every day. 4% of employees waste half the day on non-work tasks.…

Employer Branding

5 Hiring Mistakes New Managers Make

I recently began a hiring process unlike any other – now, I’m the manager of the team, the HR director and a recruiter all in one! As hard as it can be to admit, being a human means that you will make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are minute and only mean a moment of embarrassment,…

Employer Branding

British Employees Can’t Get No (Job) Satisfaction

Job satisfaction plays a big part in the productivity of an organisation. According to Depoel, workers in the UK are reporting the highest levels of pride in their job this year. See more in the infographic below! Takeaways: 3 out of 5 women describe themselves as proud to work for their employer. 3 out of…

Employer Branding

5 Ways Employer Can Create a Good First Impression

The interview process is obviously a time consuming and costly one and therefore the ideal scenario is to find a candidate who fits the bill the first time around. Of course if that person doesn’’t walk through the door then re-running the process is disappointing but essential. But what if you offer the job to…

Employer Branding

What to Do When Good Employees Begin to Leave

According to a recent survey released by LinkedIn, organizations all over the world are struggling with serious talent crunch. An increasing number of employees are striving to seize the brightest opportunities possible, a prospect too tempting for professionals to wait. The aspirations of landing a better job and earning more is making employees reconsider their…