Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

It’’s All in the Timing: How to Manage Interview Candidates’

The interview process can often be a long and laborious one. The effort of going through the same questions again and again for hours on end can be exhausting. It can be akin to going on an 8-hour speed dating session, but without a bar present to help you get through it. Therefore, when it…

Employer Branding

A Guide to Happiness in the Workplace

We wish all employees would love their jobs. Unfortunately, this is not the case for a lot of people. The factors influencing the way we feel at work are myriad and sometimes not under our control, but being happy at work will increase your morale, productivity and potentially, pay check. If your workplace is not…

Employer Branding

4 Ways to Say NO! to Your Boss

At one point or another, we’ve all been asked to do something for our boss that went beyond the scope of our job, whether it was picking up a personal item from the store or weighing in on a non-work related matter. According to a recent Career Builder survey, more than one in five workers say…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How to Design a Great Hiring Process: Think Candidate UX!

What is Candidate UX? In order to understand Candidate UX, you must first understand what “User Experience” (UX) is. The discipline of UX is dynamic and always changing and growing, but in a nutshell, it’s an umbrella term used to describe all the factors that contribute to a user’s overall perception and feeling about a…

Employer Branding

Do Employee Perks Translate into Employer ROI?

Let’s revisit a subject I haven’t heard much about in a while – the subject of employee perks. Incredible employee perks aren’t as incredible as they used to be. Not because companies have let up on what they offer, but on the contrary, because so many companies are offering amazing perks that the novelty has…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

Top 10 Questions You Should Ask a Headhunter – Part 1

So you have a critical hire to make, and you need to find someone from your industry and fast: You realize that advertising for the post won’t reach the right individuals you need from your competitors. The best people are happy and busy in their jobs hitting targets and achieving results so why would they…

Employer Branding

What Do Employee Referrals and The Beatles Have in Common?

88% of employers say employee referrals are the #1 source of ‘above average candidates.” As the Beatles sang, “I get by with a little help from my friends.” To announce our new product at SmartRecruiters – you can find out what employee referrals and the Beatles have in common! Takeaways: Passive candidates are 120% more…

Employer Branding

How to Engineer the Perfect Office

When at work, it’s important that you’ve got the right surroundings to allow you to do the best work you can. When you’ve got the perfect office, you’ll have employee productivity or well-being at a high. Science and design have come together to tailor what makes up a good office – find out below (courtesy…

Employer Branding

Why Friends at Work are Important #WorkBFF

Everyone knows that it’s not what you know, but who you know. When working in a professional environment, it’s important that you create strong relationships wherever you go. Relationships at work, make us feel more productive and motivated as well as connect us. This infographic by LinkedIn gives some more stats and insights into how…