Our friends at Rasmussen.edu have created this great guide to interview etiquette – make sure you follow their steps! Pre-Interview: Research the company, make sure you’re on time and turn your phone OFF! During: Make sure you are welcoming, smiling and have a firm handshake. After: Make sure you send a thank you note, but don’t…
Category: Workplace
Employee experience can seriously impact your bottom line. The Employer Brand Index gives you insight into what talent really thinks about your company.
The Many Jobs of Your Personal Brand
Personal branding, so loved, loathed, disputed, so …useful? Our friends at Behooved have come up with this useful infographic about how personal brand does a lot of jobs around the house, including: Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Social Media Manager Publicist Sales Assistant Intern See what you think below! RELATED: How to Build Your Personal Brand
If you want to get found by recruiters then you need to understand how they think! Bullhorn Reach released their 2013 North American Social Recruiting Activity Report and this information should help you understand how to improve your job search: Who Is Bullhorn Reach? In case you haven’t heard or seen this name before, Bullhorn Reach…
6 Tips to Getting Your Dream Job
With so many people applying for the same job these days, you really have to stand out from the crowd to have a chance of getting that dream job. Understanding how to shine above your competition is essential to getting the job. Having a good resume, cover letter and portfolio, as well as presenting yourself…
What’s the Worst Job in the World?
This infographic (from Lapham’s Quarterly) is a matrix of the world’s worst jobs in terms of different factors. Which would you not want to do the most? Takeaways In Tokyo, in recent years, subway pushers have to push rush-hour commuters into packed trains. In Agra, around 1520, food tasters would eat sample’s of the emperor’s…
Top 5 Ways to Prevent a Bad Interview
Interviews are a stressful process. Sometimes, this stress can cause you to fall into common traps and even make wacky mistakes during your job search. For instance, just because you were too nervous to eat before the interview doesn’t mean you should empty the interviewer’s candy dish into your pocket. Employers tend not to hire…
“You’re a recruiter… can you help me find a job?” / “You’re a recruiter… can I send you my resume?” / “You’re a recruiter… can we set up an interview?” I hear these questions each and every day. Whenever a friend loses a job or decides to make a change, I always get a call. My…
The Evolution of the Internship
It’s hard to believe that the predecessor of today’s internship came to life in the 11th century. The interns of the past were actually apprentices seeking practical experience to grow their skill set in a trade, art, or calling. Today, students embark on internships during their college years to gain out-of-the-classroom experience prior to entering…
How to Prepare for a Panel Interview
In recent interview preparation sessions with my clients, a majority of questions have come up around handling questions from a panel. As we discussed concerns, I compiled observations on what helped my clients and what they generously shared with me after successfully navigating panel interviews. Here are the top observations from our shared story: Understand…